Sala stampa

NPSG accoglie con favore il sostegno all’Ucraina attraverso la CPI e l’Assemblea Generale delle Nazioni Unite Continua

La Federazione Russa deve ritirarsi dall'Ucraina. Il mondo deve fermamente condannare la Russia e sostenere l'Ucraina Continua

The Path Forward for the Rohingya Community Continua

Conference on "A human rights approach to combat illicit trade: the case of Syria" Continua

Justice for Myanmar, at the ICJ and Beyond Continua

Italy makes environmental protection part of its Constitution Continua

Out of “The Bush School”. Acting against FGM in Liberia and beyond Continua

Ecuador: NPSG si congratula per la decisione della Corte Suprema che riconosce il diritto degli indigeni al consenso sui progetti petroliferi e minerari Continua

Matrimoni minorili: anche in Italia occorre continuare ad alzare la voce contro questa violazione dei diritti umani Continua

Bahrain: Request for support to free imprisoned human rights defender Dr Abduljalil AlSingace, on hunger strike since July 2021 Continua

Rubrica settimanale di NPSG su Radio Radicale Continua

Report on child marriage in Italy Continua

NPWJ mourns the passing of Desmond Mpilo Tutu and celebrates his contribution to the cause of justice and human rights Continua

CEDAW: Peruvian and international NGOs present an alternative report concerning the rights of lesbian women in Peru Continua

Side-event on "Ecocide: From Amazonia to Oceania to the Hague. Bringing voices together towards a common goal" Continua

Colloquium on the impact of illicit trade on Human Rights: the case of Syria Continua

Side-event on "What is ICC Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda’s legacy?" Continua

54 NGOS and 32 MEPS call on the European Commission to recognize the crime of ecocide Continua

Wokshop on "Towards the Libyan Ratification of the Optional Protocol to the Convention Against Torture" Continua

NPWJ statement on Human Rights Day Continua

“Spose Bambine: Indagine sui matrimoni minorili in Italia” - Conferenza stampa su iniziativa della Sen. Emma Bonino Continua

Statement of NPWJ on International Genocide Day Continua

Side-event on “Justice for the Rohingya Continua

NPWJ welcomes the provisional release of Patrick Zaki and urges Egyptian authorities to drop all charges Continua

Outreach to Victims, Affected Communities, and Civil Society: an Analysis of Prosecutor Bensouda’s Legacy at the ICC Continua

Violence against women and girls must be prevented and combated with concrete, effective and coordinated policies Continua

"Con le donne afghane, contro ogni violenza nel mondo" Continua

Workshop on "Political Reform in Bahrain since the 1990s: Political Parties and the Constitution" Continua

"Deforestazione in Amazzonia: i diritti della terra e il punto di vista delle donne indigene" Continua

NPWJ and the Nando and Elsa Peretti Foundation call for action on deforestation and indigenous rights during COP26 Continua