17th ASP to the ICC, The Hague, 6 december 2018 Excellencies, Distinguished Delegates, dear friends, It is my great...
International Criminal Court
Joint Letter on Establishing an EU Special Representative for International Humanitarian Law and International Justice
14 September 2018 Download the joint letter (pdf) Federica Mogherini High Representative of the European Union for...
No Peace Without Justice mourns the passing of Kofi Annan and celebrates his contribution to the cause of human rights and the rule of law
Brussels-Rome, 18 August 2018 No Peace Without Justice mourns with great sadness the passing of Kofi Annan, former...
Civil society calls on the European Union to appoint a Special Representative for International Humanitarian law and International Justice
30 June 2018 On 29 June, 34 members of the European Parliament sent a letter to the EU High Representative for Foreign...
ICC Appeals Chamber Overturns Bemba Conviction: Implications for international justice Brussels, 13 June 2018
Alison Smith, 13 June 2018 On 21 June 2016, Jean-Pierre Bemba, President of the Mouvement de libération du...
ICC: Burundi’s withdrawal is a shame but does not absolve the country from its obligations
Brussels - Rome, 27 October 2017 Today, Burundi has become the first state to withdraw from the International Criminal...
Al Mahdi Case: NPWJ comments on the ICC Reparation Order
CGTN Africa, 17 August 2017 Watch the video Today, 17 August 2017, Trial Chamber VIII of the International Criminal...
Libya: NPWJ welcomes ICC warrant for LNA Special Forces Commander Al-Werfalli
Brussels-Rome, 15 August 2017 Today, Pre-Trial Chamber I of the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued a warrant of...
No Peace Without Justice monthly e-Newsletter – July issue
Read the e-neswletter in English, Italian In the July issue of the NPWJ e-newsletter, the main highlights are...