European Parliament, 2 October 2020
On the occasion of the second anniversary of Jamal Kashoggi‘s murder, and in light of the flagrant impunity for those who have organized, planned and ordered his killing, the European Parliament will host an exchange of views and a private screening of the movie “The Dissident” (which tells the story of Jamal) on Friday 2 October 2020, ASP3H1 from 10:00 to 13:00.
The debate will aim to send a strong signal that the European Parliament still stands firm on the principles expressed in its Resolution of 25 October 2018 on the killing of Jamal Khashoggi 2018/2885(RSP) that those responsible for organizing, planning and authorizing the murder at the highest level be held to account. Since 2018, Saudi Arabia has repeatedly failed to provide appropriate justice for the family and for the internationalcommunity bringing into light a Saudi’s justice system tainted by a lack of transparency and accountability.
With this debate, the European Union sustains its commitment to the promotion and the defense of Human Rights worldwide facing third states. It is also a strong signal that the European Union is willing to continue its commitment to the fight against impunity.
The private screening of the movie “The Dissident” for the members of Parliament marks the commitment of the European Union to not turn a blind eye on the story of Jamal Khashoggi and the violation of a variety of the most basic human rights by Saudi Government. The continuous interest and attention of the European Union since 2018 is a step forward in the fight for accountability.
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