08 December 2022 -Environmental Justice & Human Rights

8 Dec, 2022 | News Digests

More Americans are moving into harm’s way as climate disasters increase

CNN, 08 Dec 2022

People are moving in droves to places with a high risk of climate disasters, researchers say, despite extreme weather events increasing in frequency and intensity in recent years. A study released Thursday by researchers from the University of Vermont found that over the past decade, Americans have moved out of some areas prone to scorching summer heat waves and hurricanes – like the Central US and Gulf Coast. 

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Rising temperatures causing distress to foetuses, study reveals

The Guardian, 08 Dec 2022

Rising temperatures driven by climate breakdown are causing distress to the foetuses of pregnant farmers, who are among the worst affected by global heating. A study revealed that the foetuses of women working in fields in the Gambia showed concerning rises in heart rates and reductions in the blood flow to the placenta as conditions became hotter.

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‘Humanity has become a weapon of mass extinction’: UN

Al Jazeera, 07 Dec 2022

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has slammed multinational corporations for turning the world’s ecosystems into “playthings of profit” and warned failure to correct course would lead to catastrophic results. “With our bottomless appetite for unchecked and unequal economic growth, humanity has become a weapon of mass extinction,” he said at the ceremonial opening of talks on biodiversity in Montreal on Tuesday.

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The food emissions ‘solutions’ alarming experts after Cop27

The Guardian, 07 Dec 2022

In some ways, this year’s UN climate summit held in Egypt was all about food. In the context of crop failures and food insecurity, due to extreme weather and dwindling diversity, as well as rising food prices exacerbated by Russia’s war in Ukraine and the tight grip of corporate monopolies – Cop27 included the first ever day dedicated to food and climate. Scientists are clear that the interconnected climate, environmental and food crises require bold transformative action to drastically reduce greenhouse gases and improve resilience. 

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First UK coal mine in decades approved despite climate concerns

BBC News, 07 Dec 2022

Michael Gove has approved the first new UK coal mine in 30 years despite concern about its climate impacts among Conservative MPs and experts. The proposed mine in Cumbria would dig up coking coal for steel production in the UK and across the world. Critics say the mine would undermine climate targets and demand for coking coal is declining. 

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Making sense of Cop15: what to look out for in Montreal

The Guardian, 05 Dec 2022

Planet Earth is enduring the largest loss of life since the time of the dinosaurs, according to scientists. This loss is being driven by human behaviour, and governments are split on how to respond. At Cop15 in Montreal, many of these divisions will come to a head as they negotiate this decade’s UN biodiversity targets, known as the global biodiversity framework – or “GBF” if you are an insider. From the key players to what’s on the table, here’s what you need to know to make sense of the summit. 

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