12 July 2022 – FGM & Women’s Rights

12 Jul, 2022 | News Digests

Colombia and Peru: Abandoned by the state in host countries, Venezuelan women face increasing gender-based violence

Reliefweb, 12 Jul 2022

The Colombian and Peruvian states are largely absent when it comes to guaranteeing, protecting and respecting the right to a life free of violence and discrimination for Venezuelan refugee women, who face gender-based violence in all areas of life, Amnesty International said today in its new report, Unprotected: Gender-Based Violence Against Venezuelan Refugee Women in Colombia and Peru

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Togolese government seeks to reinforce women’s rights

Togo First, 11 Jul 2022

Gathered last Thursday, the council of ministers of Togo assessed and adopted a draft bill amending laws in favor of strengthening women’s rights in the country. The Council, in line with its ambition to promote equal rights between women and men, approved the draft bill. The latter aims to “further strengthen the rights of women in the areas of marriage, maternity, work, protection against domestic abuse and economic violence, social security,” according to the Council’s minutes.

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Is the word ‘women’ being erased from the abortion rights movement?

NBC NEws, 11 Jul 2022

The toppling of Roe v. Wade has catalyzed a heated debate among some abortion rights supporters over whether gender-neutral language — like “pregnant people” instead of “pregnant women” and “chestfeeding” instead of “breastfeeding” — should be used in advocating for abortion rights.

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Human Rights Council Adopts Seven Resolutions – Extends Mandates on Rights to Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and of Association, the Elimination of Discrimination against Women and Girls, and Belarus

OHCHR, 08 Jul 2022

The Human Rights Council this morning adopted seven resolutions, in which it, among other things, extended the mandates of the Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association, and of the Working Group on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women and girls for a period of three years each. The Council extended the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Belarus for a period of one year.

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Key ingredients to women’s legal rights in Kenya

World Bank Blog, 07 Jul 2022

As a city that derives its name from a Maasai phrase meaning “cold water”, the morning of July 24, 2014 was paradoxically hot in Nairobi. Despite the heat, a group of women and men from diverse backgrounds congregated in Uhuru Park in preparation for a grand march to the Kenyan Parliament.

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Women’s Rights Activists Call For Anti-Hijab Protest Amid Crackdown

Iran International, 07 Jul 2022

Authorities in Iran are harshly cracking down on ‘bad-hijab women’ and will hold a ‘hijab rally’ on Tuesday, but women activists have their own plans to protest. President Ebrahim Raisi on Wednesday called lack of compliance with hijab rules “an organized promotion of [moral] corruption in Islamic society” and ordered all government entities to strictly implement a “chastity and hijab” law drawn in 2005 by the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution

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