26 November 2022 – International Criminal Justice

26 Nov, 2022 | News Digests

Israel/OPT: Investigate war crimes during August offensive on Gaza

Amnesty International, 25 Oct 2022

The International Criminal Court (ICC) must investigate unlawful attacks committed during Israel’s August 2022 assault on the Gaza Strip as war crimes, Amnesty International said today in a new research briefing. Using ph​otographs of weapons fragments, satellite imagery analysis and testimony from dozens of interviews, the organization reconstructed the circumstances around three specific attacks, two of which were carried out by Israeli forces and one most likely by Palestinian armed groups. 

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Statement of ICC Prosecutor Karim A.A. Khan KC on conclusion of technical visit of the Office of the Prosecutor to Colombia

ICC News, 25 Oct 2022

On 21 October 2022, a team from my Office concluded an official visit to Bogotá. During their visit, the team engaged at the working level with a wide range of national authorities, international partners and civil society actors taking forward efforts in Colombia to address Rome Statute crimes.

This visit was conducted by my Office within the framework of the Cooperation Agreement concluded with the Government of Colombia upon the closure of the preliminary examination in Colombia during my visit to Bogotá in October 2021. It follows a series of meetings and exchanges that have been conducted between the Office and the Colombia authorities over the course of the past year. 

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Sudan: Justice for protesters against coup, key to ending cycle of violence

UN News, 25 Oct 2022

UN independent human rights experts on Tuesday demanded real accountability for the year-long brutal crackdown on peaceful protests against the October 2021 military coup in Sudan. To break the country’s cycle of turmoil, they also called for an independent accountability and transitional justice mechanism with a mandate to address human rights violations committed during protests. This would also involve a focus on the gendered nature of the violence, and the provision of suitable reparations to victims.  

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Ethiopia: Fears of fresh atrocities loom in Tigray as conflict intensifies

Amnesty International, 24 Oct 2022

The Ethiopian government said on Tuesday its army had captured the major town of Shire in northwestern Tigray, which hosts thousands of forcibly displaced Tigrayans, as well as Alamata and Korem in the south of the region. The government said that it is trying to minimize civilian casualties by avoiding urban fighting and instructing their forces to follow strict rules of engagement. Reports received by Amnesty International however belie this claim.

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ICC President visits Japan, meets with senior officials and concludes cooperation agreement with UNAFEI

ICC News, 24 Oct 2022

On 22 October 2022, the President of the International Criminal Court (“ICC” or “the Court”), Judge Piotr Hofmański, concluded an official visit to Japan to meet with the country’s senior officials and sign a cooperation agreement with the United Nations Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders (UNAFEI). The President also gave remarks at UNAFEI’s 60th anniversary ceremony.

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Statement of ICC Prosecutor Karim A.A. Khan KC on arrest and extradition of suspects in relation to crimes against victims of trafficking in Libya

ICC News, 21 Oct 2022

I welcome the recent arrests in Ethiopia and the extradition to Italy and the Netherlands of two key suspects of crimes against victims of human trafficking and human smuggling in Libya. I am pleased to note that my Office has supported the collective effort to make this operation a success and to hold those responsible to account.

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