27 October 2022 – Environmental Justice & Human Rights

27 Oct, 2022 | News Digests

Climate crisis funds not reaching countries in need, senior UN official says

The Guardian, 27 Oct 2022

The UN’s humanitarian chief has questioned why billions of dollars pledged to tackle the climate crisis have not been used to fight famine in Somalia. Martin Griffiths said he did not know where the promised $100bn (£87bn) a year to fight the impact of global heating in poorer countries had gone and called for greater transparency around climate finance. 

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COP27: Climate change threatening global health – report

BBC, 26 Oct 2022

The Lancet Countdown report says the world’s continued reliance on fossil fuels increases the risk of food insecurity, infectious disease and heat-related illness. UN Secretary General António Guterres responded that global leaders must match action to the size of the problem. 

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Heatwaves to impact almost every child on earth by 2050: UNICEF report

UN News, 25 Oct 2022

Today, at least half a billion youngsters are already exposed to a high number of heatwaves, placing them on the front lines of climate change, the UN agency noted. By the middle of this century, moreover, it estimates that more than two billion children will be exposed to “more frequent, longer lasting, and more severe” heatwaves. 

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Nigerian flood victims decry government’s response to disaster

AlJazeera, 25 Oct 2022

Since late September, the worst floods to hit Nigeria since 2012 have overrun hundreds of communities in Africa’s biggest economy. They have struck 33 of Nigeria’s 36 states. More than 600 people have been killed and 1.3 million people displaced. Thousands of homes and farmland have been washed away. Many survivors are living in terrible conditions in camps with almost no governmental assistance, according to victims and experts interviewed by Al Jazeera. 

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Egypt COP27 climate summit activists concerned voices will be curtailed

Reuters, 24 Oct 2022

The decision to hold next month’s COP27 climate summit in a highly secured tourist resort in Egypt, along with restrictions on access, is curbing civil society’s participation in the event, some prominent activists say. 

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Bosnia and Herzegovina: Young environmental activists face baseless defamation charges from Belgian-owned hydropower company in Bosnia

Amnesty International, 20 Oct 2022

Ahead of a court hearing on Monday in Istočno Sarajevo, Amnesty International urges BUK, a hydropower company owned by Belgian-based Green Invest to drop their defamation suits against two local activists who publicly expressed concerns about the potential environmental impact of the company’s small hydropower plants on the Kasindolska river. 

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