General Council of the Nonviolent Radical Party, Transnational and Transparty in Tunis on 22-24 July 2011

19 Jul, 2011 | NPWJ in the News

Nine years after the Congress in Geneva and Tirana: the new, actually very old, «International World Order» against human rights. The «Arab Spring».

Nine years after the two sessions of the 38th Congress of the Nonviolent Radical Party, transnational and transparty in Geneva and Tirana, the situation of human rights in many countries in the world has become more difficult and dramatic. Despite the great hopes of creating a new International law, several openly authoritarian regimes, which stifle the freedom and lives of their citizens, have strengthened themselves. Bloody repressions have taken place – and are taking place even right now – in several countries of the wide Southern Mediterranean belt and in its hinterland, from Northern Africa to the Middle East, as well as in Central Asia. This is evidence that the political and economic crisis is spreading. Also, in sub-Saharian and Central Africa, hunger, thirst and conflicts are still killing millions of people. At the same time, there is a real danger that democracies, including some of the once historically more solid ones will become «real democracies», as it was said in the past of those political systems that, betraying the socialist principle, became to be known as places of «real socialism».

Notwithstanding, great hopes for democratic and peaceful change have come from Northern Africa over the past few months: «the Arab Spring» instructs us to get closer to this reality, to express our full solidarity, organizing common strategies. This is why we have decided to hold an important time for discussion and decision-making of our party in Tunis, in agreement with the provisional Government and a number of expressions of Tunisian civil society.

Nonviolent Radical Party, transnational and transparty
The Radical Party is a non-violent organisation with first category consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. In this forum, it is possible to take the floor on behalf of the party, the representatives of oppressed people, dissidents and opponents of authoritarian and repressive regimes. The Radical Party is not an electoral subject and is open to people of any nationality or political party. In particular, Italian and European MPs, as well as key people from Governments and Parliaments of Europe and from all over the world are invited to the General Council in Tunis

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