General Council of the Nonviolent Radical Party, Transnational and Transparty: Strengthening the effectiveness of supranational justiciability of Human Rights

3 Sep, 2010 | NPWJ in the News

The Nonviolent Radical Party, Transnational and Transparty (NRPTT) will hold its next General Council in Barcelona, on September 3 to 5, with the participation of more than 100 among parliamentarians, political personalities and militants for civil and human rights, representatives of oppressed peoples and other authorities. Among others, Sam Rainsy and Son Chhay (Cambodia), Kok Ksor (Vietnam, Montagnard Foundation), Morissanda Kouyaté (Ethiopia), Leonard She Okitundu (Congo), Tonino Picula (Croatia) and Ermelinda Meksi (Albania), British euro-parliamentarian Sarah Ludford and previous Italian Minister Claudio Martelli will participate.

On Thursday 2 September 2010, at 16,30, Emma Bonino (vice-President of the Italian Senate), Marco Pannella (historic leader and President of the NRPTT Senate) , Niccolo’ Figa Talamanca (Secretary General of No Peace Without Justice), Rafel Villarò (Radicals of Barcelona) and Agustio Colomines (Director of CatDem Foundation) ,will hold a press conference at the CCCB (Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona, Montalegre 5, Sala Mirador – 5th floor) to present the objectives of the meeting.

The works of the Council will focus on the proposal for an international political campaign aimed at activating and strengthening worldwide international jurisdictions, which are supposed to provide for the safeguard of civil, political and human rights, also against State crimes, but nevertheless are often paralysed by the sabotage of the national States and their short-sighted political realism. Cesare Romano, lecturer at the Loyola Law School of Los Angeles, will report on this topic and present a project of an international centre focused on human rights, with the aim of providing a free help to the victims to start legal proceedings using all available international fora.

Marco Pannella has announced the purpose of raising before the European and international courts the matter of the condition of illegality of the Italian state, starting with the authentic bankruptcy of Justice – “the most serious social matter Italy has nowadays”, with its more than 11 millions pending civil and criminal trials and its shameful appendix of prisons, where by now torture is systematically practised, in violation of both national and international law.

The vice-President of the Italian Senate, Emma Bonino, will present the initiatives of the party and of the radical association No Peace Without Justice, together with international associations and personalities, to obtain from the United Nations General Assembly a ban of female genital mutilation (FGM), a practice whose brutal violence still affects hundreds of millions of women, especially in the African continent.

Two sessions will be reserved to Europe. “For a European Homeland, against the Europe of Homelands”, for the construction of the United States of Europe, based on the federalist project described in the “Ventotene Manifesto” and through the adhesion of Israel to the EU as a bridgehead for democracy in the Arab world. The economist Fabio Pammolli will deliver a report on the problem of public debt in the national States, which institutionally, politically and socially influences democracy.

The General Council in Barcelona will face the urgent anti-prohibitionist initiative on drugs, starting from the failure of the “War against drugs” which has smoothen worldwide, from Calabria to Milan, from Mexico to Afghanistan, the way of criminal organizations, which as powerful as national States, if not even more. Marco Calamari will deliver a report on digital freedoms and the use of internet as a tool to destabilise totalitarian regimes.

The works will start with the opening remark by Ernest Benach, President of the Parliament of Catalonia. A speech by Annemie Neyts, President of the European Liberal, Democratic and Reformers Party (ELDR), is scheduled for the opening day as well.

For more information on the program, click here.

Venue of the meeting: Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB, Montalegre 5 – Sala Mirador – 5° piano).