International seminar on the legal status of women and family law in Iraq

30 May, 2011 | NPWJ in the News

On 30-31 May 2011, an international Seminar on “The legal status of women and family law in Iraq” will be held at the University Roma Tre, in Rome, Italy. The Seminar, promoted and organised by Minerva in cooperation with Legal Aid Worldwide (LAW), is part of a broader project implemented by No Peace Without Justice and the Iraqi association International Alliance for Justice (IAJ) with the support of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, aiming at promoting cultural and political role of Iraqi women, within democracy building process and human rights protection in Iraq.

Issues to be  discussed will include women’s rights in Iraq, in the perspective of legislative evolution of civil and criminal judiciary systems in Italy, Europe and Iraq, as well as civil and political rights, family law developments, women assistance and safety in the workplace and criminal law protection against violence.

Participants will include Safia Al Souhail, Intisar Al Jubouri and Mayssoon Al-Damluji,  members of Iraqi Parliament; Kurdo Omar Abdullah, head of the Unit against Violence Against Women at the Iraqi Ministry of Interior; Barween Mohammed, Vice Director General of Iraqi Civil Society Registration Office in Baghdad; Maha Al Sakban, Director of Women’s Rights Center; Houzan Mahmoud from OWFI (Organization of Women’s Freedom in Iraq); Kasim Abdula Jasim, legal counsel to Iraqi Minister on Women Affairs; Simone Ovart, President of Italian National Committee UN WOMEN. Panelists from Italy will include: Francesca Brezzi, professor of Ethics at Università Roma Tre and delegate for equal opportunities from University Chancellor; Marisa Ferrari Occhionero, non-ordinary professor of Sociology at Università La Sapienza di Roma, member of Inter-University Observatory on Gender Studies, Parity and Equal Opportunities; Laura Guercio, president of Legal Aid Worldwide (LAW); Paolo Iorio, lawyer, former president of Avocats Sans Frontières; Girolamo Lanzellotto, president of Terni Court; Vilma Passamonti, Judge at Viterbo Court; Alfonso Sabella, Judge, Criminal Court of Rome.

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