Justice Rapid Response: new group of 24 deployable experts certified strengthens JRR’s operational capabilities

17 May, 2010 | NPWJ in the News

The second Justice Rapid Response Training Course concluded yesterday in Buenos Aires, with the 24 participants from every region of the world being certified to the JRR Roster.

Speaking from Buenos Aires, Alison Smith (International Criminal Justice Program Coordinator) said that the training course had two major outcomes: first, an additional 24 experts in criminal justice and related professions have now been certified to the JRR Roster. With the increase in deployable experts to 66 and the diversification of expertise available, JRR is steadily becoming more and more operational and expanding the potential situations in which JRR experts could be deployed.

Second, participants, the majority of whom come from the global south, uniformly expressed the benefits the training would bring for their work at home. The contribution of the training course to increasing capacity, including for civilian deployment, demonstrates the multiple benefits of participation in JRR.

At the conclusion of the course, participants and organisers (NPWJ, the Institute for International Criminal Investigations and the Argentine Forensic Anthropology Team) expressed their thanks to the Argentine Joint Peackeeping Training Centre (CAECOPAZ) for hosting the event, the Government of Argentina for its support and the Governments of Australia and Canada, and the European Union, for providing the financial support that made the course possible.

For further information, contact Alison Smith on asmith@npwj.org or +32-2-548 39 12 or Nicola Giovannini on ngiovannini@npwj.org or +32-2-548-39 15.

Program of the JRR Training Course

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