Fifth ICC Delegates Visit to Uganda Completed

30 May, 2010 | NPWJ in the News

The Human Rights Network – Uganda (HURINET-U), No Peace Without Justice (NPWJ) and the Ugandan Coalition on the International Criminal Court (UCICC), with the support of the Royal Danish Embassy in Kampala and in cooperation with the Government of Uganda, organised the fifth visit to Uganda by representatives of State Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) on 29 May 2010.

During the four-day visit in Kampala and Soroti (Eastern Uganda), representatives of Botswana, Sweden, Colombia, Denmark, Kenya, the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission, the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, the MacArthur Foundation and a Judge from the War Crimes Division of the High Court of Uganda met with victims, civil society organisations and representatives of the Ugandan Government and Parliament, as well as international organisations working in Uganda.

The visit forms part of a broader campaign by HURINET-U, NPWJ and UCICC to create avenues of engagement between ICC State party delegates and victims and affected communities in Uganda, and to highlight the importance of the Review Conference of the ICC, which is being held in Kampala until the 11th June 2010.

Visit the special page dedicated to ICC Review Conference Public Engagement Initiative.

For further information, contact: Joyce Apio (UCICC, Kampala):, Tel: +256.752.866.431; Niamh Gibbons (NPWJ, New York):, Tel: +1 212 980 2558 or +1 646 752 6671; or Nicola Giovannini (Brussels):, Tel: +32-2-548-3914.

Picture (from the left): Judge from the War Crimes Division of the High Court of Uganda and representatives of Sweden, Kenya, the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Denmark, Colombia, the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission, and the MacArthur Foundation together with representatives of NPWJ, HURINET-U, and UCICC.