Acampamento Terra Livre: Representatives of the EU and the UN meet indigenous leaders in Brasilia in a virtual event

6 Apr, 2022 | Press Releases

Brussels/Brasilia, 6 April 2022 3.00 – 4.00pm CEST

In 2004, on the “Day of Indigenous Peoples”, indigenous leaders from all over Brazil began a series of protests in Brasilia against the indigenous policy in force at the time. Furthermore, they protested against the violations of their rights, particularly the aggressions that occurred in previous years. As a result, various ethnic groups and organisations met in Brasilia, giving rise to the Acampamento Terra Livre (ATL). Eighteen years after, ATL continues to be a key space for debate and mobilisation around the constitutional rights of indigenous peoples in Brazil. Once a year, representatives of different indigenous communities from various corners of the country come together to call for their rights and put pressure on the federal government for it to enforce the law, respecting their integrity and well-being. Currently, it is considered the most important indigenous event in the country due to its national dimension and temporal continuity. After two years of lockdowns and the constant threat of Covid-19, the event will be held in person between 4 – 14 April 2022, bringing physically together thousands of indigenous representatives that will unite to protest in a context of unprecedented political tension. In this context, for the first-time members of the European Parliament together with UN representatives will hold a virtual meeting with the indigenous leaders at ATL. 

The current political context in Brasil has proven to be dangerous for indigenous peoples. APIB, the organisers, have directly referred to the upcoming elections as a crucial milestone that will define the development of indigenous rights in Brazil. Moreover, with the theme “Retaking Brazil”, the 18th edition of the ATL takes place at a time of state offensive on indigenous rights, mainly in the form of the so-called “death projects” being processed in the National Congress. The demarcation of indigenous territories remains the main fight flag. One of the main concerns is Bill (PL) 191/2020. Publicly championed as a priority by the Bolsonaro government, the bill allows Indigenous Lands (ILs) to be exploited for mining, hydroelectric and large-scale infrastructure projects. In addition to the Mining Bill, the indigenous organisations organising the mobilisation are carefully looking at other legal threats: Bill 490/2007, which limits the demarcation of Indigenous Lands; Bill 6.299/2002, which expands the registration of agrotoxics; the PLS 2.633/2020 and 510/2021 that regularise land grabbing and Bill 3.729/2004, which loosens the need for environmental licenses. In this context, the representatives of different decision-making bodies beyond the Brazilian borders will show their support and sustain a dialogue with indigenous representatives – building an unprecedented diplomatic bridge between the European Union and indigenous leaders from different areas of Brasil.

Additional details 

ATL will take place between 4 – 14 April 2022 in Brasilia. The online meeting between indigenous leaders, UN representatives and Members of the European Parliament will occur on on 6 April 2022, from 3 – 4 pm CEST time. The meeting will be held virtually on Zoom, and it will be livestreamed here:

Interpretation will be provided in Portuguese, English. 

The event will be centered on the interventions of indigenous leaders, followed by keynote remarks by Member of Parliament (MEPs), United Nations Special Rapporteur on Toxics and human rights, and the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. 

For media inquiries and interviews with the speakers, contact: or

Watch the video recording of the event: