Amazonia: NPWJ supports historical gathering of indigenous leaders convened by Chief Raoni

24 Jul, 2023 | Press Releases

In the framework of its “Amazonia Beyond the Crisis” campaign, NPWJ supported a historical event, which brought together over 700 indigenous leaders from diverse peoples within the Amazonia region. This gathering, convened by Chief Raoni of the Kayapó people, took place in the village of Piaraçu, in the Xingu River region, from 24 to 28 July. The significance of this meeting was amplified by the fact that it marked the first time an Indigenous event had simultaneous translation in over ten different indigenous languages.

The President of NPWJ actively participated in the gathering, alongside several authorities, including the Minister for Indigenous Peoples of Brazil, major NGOs, foundations, and both Brazilian and international press.

The gathering served as a powerful platform for indigenous leaders to voice their concerns, present their unique perspectives, and collectively seek solutions to the urgent challenges they face. The event was a moment of defiance against growing environmental threats and political challenges faced by indigenous communities in the Amazon rainforest. It was also an opportunity to highlight the urgent need for stronger indigenous voices and participation in critical meetings that will determine the fate of the rainforest, such as the upcoming Amazon summit and the UN Cop30 climate summit.