European Parliament, Brussels, 10 December 2020
On the occasion of the Human Rights Day, No Peace Without Justice (NPWJ) convened a conference on “Fighting FGM in Europe. Increasing the impact of policies against Female Genital Mutilations”. The event was hosted by Hon. Alessandra Moretti and Hon. Pierrette Herzberger-Fofana at the European Parliament, on 10 December 2020, Room SPINELLI 1G3 (BRU), 10h00-12h00.
It provided an oppoetunity to present a set of “evidence-based” recommendations to European relevant stakeholders, which has been developed on the basis of a comparative study and which includes the conclusions of three national roundtables held in Brussels, Rome and Paris and of a stakeholders’ consultation held at the European Parliament in Brussels in February this year. The aim of the recommendations is to increase the legal and political response to FGM at the national and European level.
Due to the current COVID-19 emergency, the event was online and interpretation in French, English and Italian were provided.
The Recommendation Report “Contributing to an increased efficacy of the legal and policy framework to prevent and combat FGM in Belgium, Italy and France” can be downloaded here.
- Download the program of the event
- Link to attend the meeting:
- (Passcode: 327498)
The event was live streamed on our social media channels and can be watched at the following links:
- Facebook – Arabic
- Facebook – English
- Facebook – French
- Facebook – Italiano
- Youtube – English
- Youtube – French
- Youtube – Italian
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