Online event, 25 March 2021, 19h CET via Zoom
This online event, organised by NPWJ in collaboration with Equity and Empowerment, represents an opportunity to amplify the voice of Syrian women and girls and to ensure that every segment of the humanitarian response at all levels – national, regional and multilateral – is based on the active involvement of affected communities and victims in the elaboration of inclusive policies and practices and that refugee women and girls are treated as rights holders, rather than objects in need of protection.
This event is organised in the framework of the NPWJ project “Strengthening first line responders and empowering refugee women and girls in Turkey to combat and overcome SGBV”, funded by UNWOMEN.
- Gianfranco Dell’Alba, President, No Peace Without Justice
- Hon. Alessandra Moretti, member of EP Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality.
- Hiba Alhaji, Civil Society Strengthening specialist with UNDP and a co-founder of Equity and Empowerment.
- Hon. Brando Benifei, member of the EP Delegation for relations with the Mashreq countries.
- Maryam Shamdin, founding member of White Hats Organisation.
- Hon. Eva Kaili, member of the EP Delegation for relations with the Arab Peninsula.
Conclusions by
- Niccolò Figà-Talamanca, Secretary General, No Peace Without Justice
– Date and time: 25 March 2021, 19h CET via Zoom
– Link for the registration:
– Final report of the online conference
– Download the flyer (in pdf format).
– Final recommendations on GBV on Syrian refugee women and girls (developed by NPWJ, in the framework of the “Strengthening first line responders and empowering refugee women and girls in Turkey to combat and overcome SGBV”, funded by UNWOMEN)