Female Genital Mutilation: Analysis on full implementation prospects of Ban FGM Resolution, one year after its adoption by the UNGA. With the participation of the Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Emma Bonino

20 Dec, 2013 | Press Releases

On the first anniversary of the adoption by the United Nations of the Resolution banning Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), No Peace Without Justice organises a meeting with the Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs Emma Bonino, activists and supporters of the Ban FGM campaign.

On Friday 20 December at 11h30, at the historical seat of the Radical Party in Rome (via di Torre Argentina 76), NPWJ will present the progress made during this year on the full implementation of the Resolution, together with the commitment of governments and African activists who have contributed to achieve this landmark result.

Actors and protagonists of the campaign are aware of the importance of keeping high attention and not lose the political momentum, so to maximize the efforts and ensure that FGM will no longer be practiced in any country of the world.

Representatives of African governments and civil society, connected from Addis Ababa, where NPWJ, together with the UN and the Inter-African Committee, is organizing a high-level event for the launch of the UN-ECA campaign (United Nations Economic Commission for Africa) for implementing the Resolution, will give testimony of all actions taken last year, the results obtained and the future projects.

  • Download the invitation in pdf (in Italian)

For information and confirmation: roma@npwj.org / tel. 06. 689.79.261 – 262.