IILHR, NPWJ and UNPO organise launch of book on Iraq’s Minorities and Vulnerable Groups at the European Parliament

30 Sep, 2013 | Press Releases

Brussels, 30 September 2013

On Tuesday 1 October 2013, The Institute for International Law and Human Rights (IILHR), in partnership with No peace Without Justice (NPWJ) and Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO), and with the support of MEP Ana Gomes, are convening a meeting to observe the release of the book “Iraq’s Minorities and Other Vulnerable Groups: Legal Framework, Documentation, and Human Rights”. The meeting will be held at the European Parliament (room ASP 5G 305 from 3 to 4 pm), with participation of representatives from the European institutions, the embassy of Iraq and the Kurdistan Regional Government Mission to the EU, Iraqi minorities associations and international NGOs.

The book, released by IILHR, develops a comprehensive report examining the de jure and de facto situation of Iraq’s minority components and other vulnerable populations to support the assessment of asylum claims within countries to which Iraqi refugees apply for protection, and to complement other resources on Iraq’s vulnerable populations. It offers an analysis of key human rights, documentation, and legal challenges common to many minority components in today’s Iraq, including minority women, and suggests targeted recommendations to the central government, the Kurdish Regional Government, and the international community.

Finally, the report provides detailed information on the situation of 16 Iraqi components and vulnerable groups, including Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Intersex persons. Details on ethno-religious minorities and other populations include historical background, approximate demographics, security situation, human rights challenges, humanitarian situation, diaspora and returnees, and the situation of women and children.


For more information, please contact:
– Nicola Giovannini, +32 2 548 39 15, ngiovannini@npwj.org, No Peace Without Justice
– William Spencer, +1 (0)202 365 1124, wspencer@lawandhumanrights.org, Institute for International Law and Human Rights
– Alix Brictieux, ++32 (0)2 513 14 59, a.bricteux@unpo.org, Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization