Lebanon: NPWJ supports initiative aimed at improving the penitentiary and judicial system and enhance respect of prisoners’ rights

12 Oct, 2021 | Press Releases

Beirut, 12 October 2021

On 12 October 2021, NPWJ is organizing an online roundtable on “Human Rights Standards in Prisons Based on International Law” for Lebanese CSOs.

The event is part of the project ‘’DROIT: Rights, social reintegration, vocational guidance and protection for young adults, women and disabled people in Lebanese prisons’’, supported by AICS – Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development and implemented by ARCS culture solidali in partnership with NPWJ, ARCI Toscana, Garante Dei Diritti dei Prigionieri, Antigone and the Lebanese associations AJEM and Mouvement Social.

The purpose of this initiative is to foster reform aimed at improving the penitentiary and judiciary system in Lebanon through 1) strengthening of recovery services, social reintegration and assistance for prisoners, people at risk and families and 2) training of operators in the sector.

In this framework, NPWJ will organize a 4-day workshop for Lebanese CSOs on advocacy techniques and formulation of policy making for the promotion of reforms in the penitentiary and judicial system. The workshop will be held online on 12th, 14th, 26th and 28th October 2021. It will be followed by a 2-day in-person training on the 24 and 25 of November 2021.

For more information, please contact Giulia Schiavoni at gschiavoni@npwj.org or Nicola Giovannini at ngiovannini@npwj.org