Liberia: 76 NGOs seek justice For war crimes through a Submission to UN Human Rights Committee

5 Jul, 2018 | Press Releases

Geneva, 5 July 2018

The Liberian government should undertake fair and credible prosecutions of international crimes committed during its two civil wars, 76 Liberian, African, and international nongovernmental organizations (including No Peace Without Justice) said in a submission to the United Nations Human Rights Committee released today. The submission was made ahead of Liberia’s appearance before the committee, which monitors implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights by its states parties, scheduled for July 9-10, 2018 in Geneva.

Liberians suffered tremendously over the course of Liberia’s two armed conflicts spanning more than 14 years. Abuses included summary executions, large-scale massacres, rape and other forms of sexual violence, mutilation and torture, and widespread forced conscription and use of child combatants.

Two well-attended marches were recently held in Monrovia in support of a war crimes court, and prominent Liberians are calling for justice, including the Nobel Peace laureate Leymah Gbowee, and leaders in the Liberian Council of Churches.

Although the Truth and Reconciliation Commission for Liberia in 2009 recommended a war crimes court to investigate and try people responsible for grave violations of international law, Liberia has never moved ahead with this recommendation. The few cases addressing civil war-era atrocities have occurred outside Liberia, notably in Europe and the United States.

The submission presented by the 76 groups identifies steps to be taken without delay by the Liberian government to help ensure accountability for serious crimes in Liberia, to be considered by the Human Rights Committee. It also makes recommendations for additions and changes to the commission’s proposed court to enable fair and credible trials.

For further information, contact Alison Smith, Director Of International criminal Justice Program, on or Twitter: @yinyang2011 or Nicola Giovannini, Press & Public Affairs Coordinator, on