No Peace Without Justice mourns the passing of Robin Vincen

13 Jun, 2011 | Press Releases

No Peace Without Justice mourns with great sadness the passing of Robin Vincent, first Registrar of the Special Court for Sierra Leone and of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon. We extend our deepest condolences to his family and friends, and to his many colleagues and friends around the world.

We had the honour to work closely with Robin during his tenure as SCSL Registrar. His vision and determination for the Court to serve the people of Sierra Leone, made the difference. In addition to establishing the Outreach Unit, he helped bring the Court closer to the people of Sierra Leone by recognising the valuable input Sierra Leoneans could and did bring to the Court and by building links between the Court and Sierra Leoneans wherever possible. His tireless efforts successfully disproved the idea that International Courts cannot be embedded in the social fabric of the country is designed to serve, playing its part in post-conflict reconstruction and peace-building. After leaving Sierra Leone, Robin was always ready to lend a hand where he could make a difference and continued to bring this vision to his work with other international and internationalised courts and tribunals.

International criminal justice has lost a friend and advocate this past weekend. We mourn Robin’s passing and urge all who knew him and whose lives he touched to carry on his legacy.