On 11-13 December 2012, in the framework of its program “Supporting Libya’s democratic transition through justice and accountability”, No Peace Without Justice organised a three day workshop on international humanitarian law and command responsibility, in collaboration with the Libyan ministry of justice and the Libyan judges organisation.
The workshop, which was designed to provide Libyan judges and prosecutors with specific knowledge on international law and laws of war, was attended by 25 participants, coming from the cities of Benghazi, Misurata, Derna and Sabha.
For the occasion NPWJ brought to Libya two international experts on international humanitarian law and transitional justice mechanisms. Professor Ray Murphy, Director of the Irish Centre for Human Rights, National University of Ireland Galway, focused his presentations on the crime of genocide, modes of liability and chain of command. Mr Nikolaus Grubeck, a British barrister with an extensive experience in Afghanistan with the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission, gave an overview on international humanitarian law, focusing on war crimes and crimes against humanity.
NPWJ also took the opportunity to organise additional events during the visit in Benghazi. NPWJ’s two international experts delivered a lecture on Transitional Justice, addressed to Law students, and led a session of NPWJ’s International Legal Colloquia, involving some of the most prominent lawyers and academics of Benghazi, which was hosted by the Benghazi university. Finally, NPWJ held an informal meeting with local NGOs who are NPWJ’s partners in its program on Transitional Justice in Libya.
- Read the article issued by the Libyan Ministry of Justice (Arabic)
For further information on the colloquium and activities please contact: Libya Program Coordinator, Stefano Moschini, email:smoschini@npwj.org Tel: +281917450375 and Legal Program Officer, Halla Al Mansouri, email: halmansouri@npwj.org Tel: +281919955359