Nobel Peace Prize: An important acknowledgment for Tunisia and a signal of hope for all Tunisians

9 Oct, 2015 | Press Releases

Brussels – Rome, 9 October 2015


Statement by Niccolò Figà-Talamanca, Secretary General of No Peace Without Justice:

“I am really happy that the Norwegian Nobel Committee has chosen for the Peace Price the National Dialogue Quartet in Tunisia composed by the Tunisian General Labour Union; the Tunisian Confederation of Industry, Trade and Handicrafts; the Tunisian Human Rights League; and the Tunisian Order of Lawyers. This is a political signal of attention and encouragement for a country that it is doing its best to succeed in an extremely complicated regional situation.

“Today’s decision is a choice of hope that goes into the direction that NPWJ supports since a long time: it imposes to the international community not to let down those countries in transition that want to achieve democracy. Tunisia together with Morocco, Jordan and to a certain extent Lebanon, are the most emblematic examples in this direction.

“I really want to express all my joy and support to the Tunisian people. I hope that today’s success is the first of a series of steps that each country can take bilaterally and that the European Union can facilitate through an authentic common foreign policy that considers fundamental the priorities of an area of the world so crucial for us.”

For further information, please contact Nicola Giovannini ( – Tel:+32-2-548-3915).