NPWJ and AVSI organise a high level event “From vulnerable to protagonist: empowering women against human rights denial committed “for her own good”

25 Sep, 2018 | Press Releases

UN Headquarters, New York City, NY, US – Conf. Room 11, 25 September 2018

At the margins of the opening of the UN General Assembly, No Peace Without Justice (NPWJ) and AVSI, in partnership with the Italian Mission to the UN, organise the high level event “From vulnerable to protagonist: empowering women against human rights denial committed “for her own good”, to be held on 25 September 2018.

This high level side event is intended to expose both the dynamics of subjugation that are inherent in “protective sexism” and the denial of human rights of women and girls committed “for her own good”. The purpose is to champion policies and best practices in development programs intended to empower women and girls as agents of sustainable change; to amplify the voices and experiences of women and girls in empowerment programs; to challenge stereotypes and gender-coded programs in development, livelihood and emergency response programs; and to reaffirm the interdependence of SDG 5 and SDG 16.

Speakers at the event, to be chaired by Francesco Semprini reporter, La Stampa will include Enzo Moavero Milanesi, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Italy; Marie Laurence Ilboudo/Marchal, Minister of Women, National Solidarity and family of Burkina Faso; Stefano Manservisi, Director General of DG DEVCO European Commission; Emma Bonino, human rights activist and founder of No Peace Without Justice; Giampaolo Silvestri, AVSI Secretary General; Mabel Van Oranje, human rights activist and founder of “Girls Not Brides”; Victor Ochen, SDG 16 Goodwill Ambassador; Mohammad Naciri, UN Women’s Regional Director for the Arab States region; as well as from the field: Teddy Bongomin, Meeting Point International, Kampala and  Felicity Acan, Private Sector, Development and Gender specialist, AVSI Uganda.

  • Venue: UN Headquarters, New York City, NY, US – Conf. Room 11
  • Time: 13:15 – 14.30
  • Live streaming of the event: Tuesday 25th, 1.00 – 2.00 pm