NPWJ calls for a Worldwide Ban on Female Genital Mutilation at the Trust Women Conference

4 Dec, 2012 | Press Releases

London, 4-5 December 2012

On 4-5 December will be held in London the Trust Women conference “Putting the rule of law behind women’s rights”, organised by the Thomson Reuters Foundation and the International Herald Tribune.

Comprised of 350 delegates from around the world – female and male leaders in their fields – the conference aims at reaching globally to promote women’s rights, through a mix of keynote speeches, multimedia, plenary discussions, debates, break-out “action groups” and opportunities to engage online. The conference will tackle putting trafficking out of business; challenge female mutilation; rewrite the rules to embed women’s rights in constitutions; address child marriage; expose the high cost of excluding women from the financial world; and expose the modern-day slave trade of domestic labor.

The speakers include Emma Bonino, Founder of No Peace without Justice and Vice President of the Italian Senate, Alvilda Jablonko, Female Genital Mutilation Program Coordinator, No Peace Without Justice, as well as Khady Koita, Co-founder and President of La Palabre and Imam Djiguiba Cissé, Founder of the Fondation Djigui la Grande espérance, Ivory Coast, who will take this opportunity to highlight the results of the international campaign aimed at promoting the adoption of a United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) Resolution that universally and explicitly bans FGM.

On 26 November 2012, the Social, Humanitarian Cultural Affairs Committee (commonly referred to as the Third Committee) of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) adopted the draft resolution “Intensifying Global Efforts for the elimination of female genital mutilation” submitted by the African Group at the UN last October. The UNGA is expected to consider its adoption in December in the framework of its 67th session.