NPWJ remembers Sergio Stanzani, one year after his passing

18 Oct, 2014 | Press Releases

Rome – Brussels – New York, 18 October 2014


“Humanity is made of people and it is fundamental for the defence of human rights to be a leading concern, if we want to build a real and civilised society, whose parameter of progress is the promotion of human being as a whole”
Sergio Augusto Stanzani Ghedini

One year ago, the historical radical leader Sergio Stanzani passed away at the age of 90. He was one of the funding members of the Radical Party, several times Member of the Italian Parliament and he had been the President of No Peace Without Justice since 1997.

We fondly remember a friend who, with his commitment to human rights and his charisma, crucially contributed to the fight for justice, the rule of law and democracy.

  • Radio Radicale reports dedicated to Sergio Stanzani, one year after his death


Remembering Sergio Stanzani:
Stanzani, la storia radicale come esperienza di vita
by Lorenzo Strik Lievers, Strade, 23 October 2013

In memoria di Sergio Stanzani
by Mauro Mellini, Giustizia Giusta, 22 October 2013

Sergio Stanzani – Une figure de la Résistance italienne s’en est allé
Le Petit Journal de Rome, 21 October 2013

Addio a Stanzani, principe della Goliardia e colonna dei Radicali
Valter Vecellio, Europa, 21 October 2013

In ricordo di Stanzani: un pensiero laico, repubblicano, libertario…
Gianfranco Macrì & Domenico Bilotti, Politicamente Corretto, 21 October 2013

Sergio Stanzani morto, fu tra i fondatori del Partito Radicale
L’Huffington Post, 18 October 2013

Cordoglio del Presidente Napolitano per la scomparsa di Sergio Stanzani
Roma, 18 October 2013