Statement by Hatice Cengiz, on the announcement by the Turkish prosecutor on the indictments for the killing of her fiancé Jamal Khashoggi

25 Mar, 2020 | Press Releases

By Hatice Cengiz* (on twitter: @mercan_resifi), 25 March 2020

“I welcome the Turkish prosecutor’s indictment of the Saudi officials who killed my late fiancée Jamal Khashoggi. It has been over 18 months since his murder without any accountability and without any justice. This indictment is a good step towards justice.

So far, every independent investigation conducted about this barbaric murder reached the same conclusion, it was premeditated, carried out by government officials and involved the royal court. The CIA investigation and UN report further concluded that Crown Prince Mohamed Bin Salman ordered the murder.

I call on the United States National Director of Intelligence to publish their report on who’s responsible for Jamal’s murder. I also call on the United Nations to carry out an international investigation into the murder.

Not holding Jamal’s real killers accountable gives those officials a green light to continue the oppression of their people, sends the wrong message to the world that the wealthy and powerful are above the law and will be a major stain on the international community for helping cover up a premeditated monstrous murder.”

* Hatice Cengiz, Founder, Justice for Jamal

Hatice Cengiz is a Turkish scholar and researcher in Middle Eastern studies. She is the fiancée of slain Washington Post editorialist Jamal Khashoggi, who was murdered inside the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul on 2 October 2018. Since that day, Hatice has campaigned for truth and justice for her fiancée, and for the international community to hold accountable those who ordered and planned his killing. In her campaign “Justice for Jamal”, she has testified at the United Nations Human Rights Council, the European Parliament, the US Congress, and various other national parliaments.