The Role of Women’s Civil Society Organisations in Combatting GBV among Syrian Refugee Communities

30 Mar, 2021 | Press Releases

Online event, 30 March 2021, 19h CET via Zoom

This online event, organised by NPWJ and the Euro-Syrian Democratic Forum, in collaboration with Equity and Empowerment, will highlight the role of civil society in combatting GBV and civil society’s strategies and needs in promoting more effectively gender equality and women’s rights. The aim of the event is to discuss, from a civil society perspective, how to involve affected communities in recognising violence and denial of human rights committed against refugees women and girls and foster their direct participation in promoting a change in the perceptions, policies and practices of development and emergency response agencies and communities.

This event is organised in the framework of the NPWJ project “Strengthening first line responders and empowering refugee women and girls in Turkey to combat and overcome SGBV”, funded by UN-WOMEN.


  • Hon. Nathalie Gilson, Member of the Belgian Chamber of Representatives
  • Hussein Sabbagh, Euro-Syrian Democratic Forum

Opening remarks by

  • Zeynep Aydemir Koyuncu, UN WOMEN


  • Yasmina Benshi, Freedom Jasmine
  • Walaa Aloush, Equity and Empowerment
  • Hayma Alyousofi, Syrian Women Journalists Network
  • Mona Zain Aldeen, Women Now for Development

Conclusions by

  • Niccolò Figà-Talamanca, Secretary General, No Peace Without Justice

– Date and time: 30 March 2021, 19h CET via Zoom

– Link for the registration:


– Final report of the online conference

– Final recommendations on GBV on Syrian refugee women and girls (developed by NPWJ, in the framework of the “Strengthening first line responders and empowering refugee women and girls in Turkey to combat and overcome SGBV”, funded by UNWOMEN).