The Sakharov Prize to the Ukrainian people

20 Oct, 2022 | Press Releases

No Peace Without Justice congratulates the people of Ukraine for being the 2022 recipient of the European Parliament’s Sakharov Prize.

This awards goes to all the Ukrainian citizens who have been forced to leave their homes, cities and villages to seek refuge in neighbouring countries; to the thousands of innocent victims of wanton violence unleashed upon the civilian population by the illegal and brutal Russian aggression that continues to this day; to the citizens of Bucha and Irpin who have endured extrajudicial executions, torture chambers and mass deportations. 

This award is for those courageous Ukrainians fighting on the ground to oppose Russia’s unprovoked war of aggression against Ukraine and its institutions. They are not only fighting to protect their homeland, their sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity, they are also defending freedom, democracy, the rule of law and European values on the battlefields. 

Our hope is that this award – and the message of solidarity, support and assistance that its carries represents a symbolic and strong signal by the European Institutions and all EU Members States that violations of international laws, war crimes and crimes against humanity cannot, and will not, be swept under the carpet on the altar of geopolitics and international equilibrium: that military aggressions and brutal force are not, and will nor, be legitimate means to advance political agendas and reshape international relations. 

The Ukrainian people have shown the whole world that they are strong and proud, and for this we applaud them. For all this reasons we are glad that MEPs wished to honour the Ukrainian people with a symbolic gesture. 

No Peace Without Justice stands at the side of the Ukrainian people and reconfirm its commitment to ensure that the perpetrators of the violence and crimes against humanity perpetrated in Ukraine by the Putin regime, its Army and its cronies, will face justice in the appropriate Courts. 

Slava Ukraini!