On 16 March 2013, the Association of Justice and Rehabilitation, Al Kawakibi Democracy Transition Center (KADEM) and No Peace Without Justice (NPWJ) concluded in El Kef, Tunisia, a training course of victims and representatives of victims associations. The three-day activity, which was held within the framework of the Transitional Justice Academy, brought together a group of people from various governorates and cities throughout the country, including El Kef, Kairouan, Jendouba, Nabeul, Sidi Bouzid and Tunis.
Victims and their families suffered directly from the violations that transitional justice aims to address and are among the most relevant stakeholders in any transitional justice process. However, they have historically been involved to a lesser degree during the design of TJ and reparations programs and as a result such mechanisms have not always addressed their views and expectations. For victims to have an active role in shaping transitional justice, there is a need to strengthen their capacity to advocate with all relevant stakeholders to put on their agenda and the negotiating table victims views and concerns.
The training course was specifically dedicated to enhance victims and victims representatives knowledge on transitional justice and capacity to advocate effectively with the government and other actors. Participants concluded also that self-organisation within networks and coalitions would maximise the impact of individual initiatives enhancing their effectiveness. This confirms the conclusion reached by victims during the consultation held by KADEM and NPWJ in December 2012. These are important steps towards victims in Tunisia re-branding and empowering themselves as survivors with rights to participate in decisions and processes affecting their lives.
The two Tunisian experts who conducted the training engaged participants on their objectives and needs in relation to transitional justice and provided them with advocacy tools and technique. In each session, after an initial presentation from the trainers, participants continued discussions on the various topics in working group, brainstormed on a number of transitional justice issues and conducted practical exercises. One trainer had taken part in most of the activities under the Academy, including the Trainer of Trainers held on 31 January-4February 2012, while the other was new, broadening the expertise available under the Academy.
- Download the Training Report on “Advocacy and Mobilisation Techniques for a Victims Strategy on Transitional Justice”
For further information, please contact Greta Barbone on gbarbone@npwj.org or +216 28385079 or Nicola Giovannini on ngiovannini@npwj.org or +32 (0)2 548-39 15.
For more information about NPWJ and KADEM’s work on transitional justice in Tunisia, please click here