Virtual Roundtable on “Feminising The Libyan Peacebuilding Process”

17 Apr, 2021 | Press Releases

Raisina House in collaboration with No Peace Without Justice is convening a Joint Virtual Roundtable discussing “Feminising The Libyan Peacebuilding Process” on 17 April 2021 from 7:00 PM (IST) or 3:30 PM (Brussels) onwards.

The session, which will be chaired by Ambassador Anil Trigunayat (IFS Retd), Governing Council Member of Raisina House & Former Indian Amb. To Libya, Jordan and Malta, will include as speakers Ms. Nsreen Amer, Lawyer and Human Rights Activist at Benghazi, Libya, Rida Al-Tubuly, Co-Founder and Director at Together We Build It, Libya and Hajer Sharief, co-founder and project manager at Together We Build It, Libya.

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