Workshop “Envisioning International Justice: what role for the International Criminal Court?”

28 Oct, 2021 | Press Releases

European Parliament, Sub-Committee on Human Rights, 28 October 2021

What role can the International Criminal Court (ICC) play in a global context of pervasive impunity and a backlash against human rights? Can the ongoing ICC review process strengthen the Court and its legitimacy? In which way can the EU best support the Court and defend it against political attacks?

Such questions will be discussed at the Workshop on “Envisioning International Justice: what role for the International Criminal Court?” to be held on 28 October 2021 with academic experts, representatives of human rights organisations, lawyers and activists, including Alison Smith, Director for International Justice, No Peace Without Justice.

  • Venue : Brussels, Altiero Spinelli Building, room 3G3 / via webstreaming 
  • Date and time: 28 October 2021, 9 – 11 am
  • Draft Agenda of the workshop

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