02 November 2022 – International Criminal Justice

2 Nov, 2022 | News Digests

EHRC has not taken sides in debate on impact of transgender laws, Scottish court told

The Guardian, 10 Nov 2022

Equalities watchdog tells judicial review of law on gender balance it is ‘regrettable but probably inevitable’ it is seen as partisan.

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Youth-led effort to list ecocide as international crime gets MPs’ backing

The National Observer, 02 Nov 2022

The young Canadians leading a push to make ecocide an international crime got a helping hand from several federal politicians on Tuesday, with Green MP Elizabeth May and Liberal MP Jenica Atwin among those calling for the federal government to support their efforts.

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Greece: Authorities must be held to account after austerity measures violate right to health

Amnesty International, 02 Nov 2022

In a significant move, Amnesty International has taken steps to hold the Greek authorities to account at the Council of Europe for violating people’s rights to health and non-discrimination. A collective complaint filed today with the European Committee of Social Rights details the devastating health impacts of austerity measures introduced by the Greek authorities following the economic crisis of 2009/2010, and how the government failed to protect the population against them.

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ICC prosecutor seeks to reopen Venezuela investigation

Reuters, 02 Nov 2022

International Criminal Court (ICC) chief prosecutor Karim Khan said on Tuesday he formally asked the court to resume his investigation into alleged human rights violations committed by Venezuelan officials. In April, Khan had rejected Venezuelan authorities’ call for a delay and indicated he would seek to proceed with the probe, two years after a preliminary inquiry found evidence of crimes against humanity. The decision to reopen the investigation now passes to ICC judges.

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C.Africa special court sentences three for crimes against humanity

Africa News, 01 Nov 2022

A UN-backed court in the Central African Republic on Monday convicted three militiamen of crimes against humanity and handed them jail terms from 20 years to life. Issa Sallet Adoum, Ousman Yaouberms rangia, and Tahir Mahamat were accused of taking part in an attack by the 3R armed group in May 2019 in which 46 villagers in northwest CAR were massacred.

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How Spain looked on as dozens were crushed to death at its border

BBC, 01 Nov 2022

At dawn on 24 June, a large group of African migrants surged towards a border fence separating Morocco from the tiny Spanish enclave of Melilla. At least 24 migrants died, but the death toll is believed to be higher as more than 70 people are missing. In the days after the incident, Spanish and Moroccan authorities defended their actions, saying the migrants had been violent, and reasonable force had been used. But a BBC investigation has uncovered new details about the events, raising questions about the official versions.

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ICC judges approve request to reopen Afghanistan probe

AP News, 31 Oct 2022

Judges have approved a request by the International Criminal Court’s prosecutor to reopen an investigation into war crimes and crimes against humanity in Afghanistan, saying Afghan authorities are not carrying out meaningful probes into the alleged crimes.

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Somalia: Al-Shabaab must urgently stop carrying out attacks against civilians

Amnesty International, 31 Oct 2022

The armed group Al-Shabaab must end its indiscriminate attacks against civilians and the Somali authorities must also ensure that civilians are protected, Amnesty International said today, after a twin car bombing in Mogadishu on Saturday, claimed by Al-Shabaab, killed at least 100 people and injured more than 300 others. “Al-Shabaab’s callous actions are crimes under international law and it is absolutely crucial that all those suspected of criminal responsibility for this crime face justice in fair trials.”

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