07 September 2022 – International Criminal Justice

7 Sep, 2022 | News Digests

Unprecedented Case Brought Against Myanmar Junta in Indonesia

Tempo, 07 Sep 2022

A group of public figures in Jakarta has formally submitted a petition to the Constitutional Court effectively asking it to permit a case against the Myanmar junta, accused of crimes against humanity, war crimes and genocide against the country’s Muslim population. The move is unprecedented and could lead to the first universal jurisdiction case against the Myanmar military in an ASEAN member state.

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Israeli military admits Shireen Abu Akleh likely killed by Israeli fire, but won’t charge soldiers

CNN, 06 Sep 2022

The Israel Defense Forces have ​admitted for the first time that there is a “high possibility” Palestinian-American Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh was shot and killed by Israeli fire while covering an Israeli military operation in Jenin in May, the IDF announced Monday. But the Israeli military does not intend to pursue criminal charges or prosecutions of any of the soldiers involved, IDF’s Military Advocate General’s Office said Monday in a separate statement.

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‘Impunity remains a central obstacle to the rule of law’ – UN report demands demilitarisation of North-East

Tamil Guardian, 06 Sep 2022

Ahead of the 51st session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC), the UN High Commissioner has released a scathing report on Sri Lanka outlining the deepening militarisation, the continued harassment of Tamil survivor communities, and the deterioration of human rights on the island. “Thirteen years since the end of the war, victims of past human rights violations continue to await truth and justice. The Sri Lankan State, including through successive governments, has consistently failed to pursue an effective transitional justice process to hold perpetrators of gross human rights violations and abuses accountable and uphold victims’ rights to truth, justice and reparations” the report notes.

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Guinea: ICC mission arrives in Conakry ahead of 2009 stadium massacre trial

Africa News, 06 Sep 2022

A mission from the International Criminal Court (ICC) arrived in Conakry on Monday evening to assess the state of preparations for the trial of the alleged perpetrators of the massacre of opponents at the Conakry stadium on September 28, 2009. On that day, soldiers killed at least 157 people and raped 109 women in the stadium where thousands of opponents to the presidential candidacy of junta leader Moussa Dadis Camara were gathered, according to a UN commission of enquiry.

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In Brussels, Ukraine seeks backing for special war crimes tribunal

Reuters, 05 Sep 2022

Ukraine’s government on Monday sought political backing in Brussels for the creation of a special tribunal to prosecute Russian military and political leaders it holds responsible for starting the war. Several Ukrainian leaders attending a conference on war crimes accountability in the European capital argued for a court dedicated to prosecuting high-level Russian perpetrators, in addition to the International Criminal Court.

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