09 August 2022 – FGM & Women’s Rights

9 Aug, 2022 | News Digests

Death by stoning still exists in a country where women are putting their lives on the line to lead change

Sudanese Tribune, 09 Aug 2022

Sudanese civil society press statement: On the 27th of July 2022, a 20-year-old young woman was sentenced to death by stoning for allegedly committing the crime of adultery in Kosty city (White Nile region) by Criminal Court Judge, Mohamed Haroon.

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A year after Taliban’s return, some women fight for lost freedoms

Reuters, 09 Aug 2022

Monesa Mubarez is not going to give up the rights she and other Afghan women won during 20 years of Western-backed rule easily. Before the hardline Islamist Taliban movement swept back to power a year ago, the 31-year-old served as a director of policy monitoring at the finance ministry.

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States must ensure leadership roles for indigenous women: UN experts

OHCHR Press, 08 Aug 2022

The preservation of indigenous peoples’ communities, values and ways of life depend on indigenous women and girls regaining their roles as leaders within their communities, a group of UN experts* said today, urging States to take affirmative action to guarantee their full public and political participation. On the occasion of the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples, the experts issue the following joint statement:

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The newborns fighting for survival in Afghanistan

BBC Documentary, 08 Aug 2022

A year into Taliban rule, the number of newborn deaths and miscarriages in one province, Badakhshan, have nearly doubled, local doctors say. Foreign funding which financed Afghanistan’s public healthcare was frozen in August last year. Our correspondent Yogita Limaye has spent time in maternity wards there, witnessing the unbearable suffering of women with no access to pain relief, forced to share beds, and an acute shortage of doctors.

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Sri Lanka: UNFPA appeals for $10.7 million for ‘critical’ women’s healthcare

UN News, 08 Aug 2022

“UNFPA is committed to meeting the critical health and protection needs of women and girls,” said Kunle Adeniyi, UNFPA representative in Sri Lanka. “Our focus is to strengthen sexual and reproductive health and gender-based violence response services to reduce the long-term repercussions of the current crisis.”

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Protecting women’s rights in China

East Asia Forum, 04 Aug 2022

Between 24 December 2021 and 22 January 2022, China’s Law on the Protection of Women’s Rights and Interests was opened up to the public so they could offer amendment proposals. This is the third proposed set of amendments since the law was passed in 1992. During this period, the public was able to propose changes to the existing legislation on a government website.

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