10 August 2022 – International Criminal Justice

10 Aug, 2022 | News Digests

Scenes From Hell: A disturbing castration video out of Ukraine evokes similar scenes from Srebrenica

Foreign Policy, 09 Aug 2022

A similarly sickening video recently appeared on pro-Russian Telegram channels and instantly went viral. As the Washington Post and others have reported, it shows a man dressed in military fatigues adorned with pro-Russian symbols and a ribbon associated with Russian forces using a box cutter to castrate a bound, gagged, and moaning Ukrainian prisoner of war dressed in military fatigues with Ukrainian military insignia.

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What was the International Legal Basis for the Strike on al-Zawahiri?

Just security, 09 Aug 2022

The killing of al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri in a CIA drone strike has been touted as a political win for President Joe Biden, a vindication for an over-the-horizon counter-terrorism strategy, and even as “justice served.” Yet there appears to be little interest in whether it was lawful.

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ICC Issues Warrant for Central African Republic Rebel Leader

Human Rights Watch, 09 Aug 2022

Last week the International Criminal Court (ICC) made public an arrest warrant for a rebel leader in the Central African Republic, Noureddine Adam. The warrant, which was previously sealed and dated back to January 2019, states that Adam is wanted on charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity, including torture. Adam’s warrant is consistent with the ICC seeking to target the highest-ranking rebel leaders responsible for atrocities in the Central African Republic.

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Prosecution or compensation? What Kenyan choices tell us about international justice

The Conversation, 08 Aug 2022

In December 2007, the Electoral Commission of Kenya announced that Mwai Kibaki had won a second five-year term as president. It was a surprising outcome, given his opponent, Raila Odinga, had held a significant early lead in the polls. Kibaki was hastily sworn in, sparking inter-ethnic violence. Odinga’s supporters, who were mostly from the Luo and Kalenjin ethnic groups, attacked Kibaki’s Kikuyu supporters, which led to retaliatory clashes across the country.

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Myanmar: Crimes against humanity committed systematically, says UN report

UN News, 08 Aug 2022

The evidence gathered to date by the Independent Investigative Mechanism for Myanmar (IIMM), which is outlined in its Annual Report, indicates that sexual and gender-based crimes, including rape and other forms of sexual violence, and crimes against children have been perpetrated by members of the security forces and armed groups.“Crimes against women and children are amongst the gravest international crimes, but they are also historically underreported and under-investigated,” said Nicholas Koumjian, Head of the Mechanism.

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