16 November 2022 – International Criminal Justice

16 Nov, 2022 | News Digests

Ukraine: Preserving evidence of war crimes as Ukraine retakes its territory key for victims of war crimes

Amnesty International, 16 Nov 2022

Responding to the latest military developments on the ground in Kherson Region, Denis Krivosheev, Regional Director, Eastern Europe and Central Asia said: “Following Russian troops’ withdrawal from Dnipro’s right bank in Kherson, it is important to prioritize preservation of evidence of war crimes committed there. Justice is owed to victims of Russian crimes under international law against Ukraine, and all those responsible must be held to account in fair trial proceedings.” 

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U.S. Investigating Killing of Al Jazeera Journalist in West Bank, Israel Says

The New York Times, 15 Nov 2022

The U.S. Department of Justice has opened an investigation into the killing of Shireen Abu Akleh, a Palestinian American journalist, in the occupied West Bank, the Israeli Defense Ministry announced on Monday night. Israel’s defense minister, Benny Gantz, confirmed that a U.S. inquiry had begun and said that Israel would not participate, reducing the likelihood that a court case would result. 

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Amid the Russia-Ukraine War, a Dutch Court Prepares to Rule on Four Suspects in the 2014 Downing of Flight MH17

Just Security, 15 Nov 2022

Even as Ukraine defends itself against Russia’s military campaign to control Ukrainian territory, another contest is playing out in The Hague related to one of the most shocking incidents in the early days of the war in 2014. On Nov. 17, the District Court of The Hague is due to issue the first judgment in a multi-prong push for accountability in the July 17, 2014, downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17.

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Ukraine war: Russia guilty of war crimes in Kherson, says Zelensky

BBC, 14 Nov 2022

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky says that investigators have uncovered more than 400 war crimes in areas of Kherson abandoned by Russian forces as they retreated. Mr Zelensky said the bodies of civilians and soldiers had been found. The BBC has been unable to verify the allegations. Moscow denies its troops intentionally target civilians. 

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Time Is Running Out for War Crimes Prosecution in Bosnia

Justice Info, 14 Nov 2022

“A race against time” is the title of a recent report by the OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) highlighting the delays in implementation of the country’s strategy for war crimes prosecution. The risk is to see the process prolonged for a number of years. While the completion of those trials was a top priority for the country only 15 years ago, it has now become hostage to political tensions in Bosnia. 

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ICC prosecutor seeks new arrest warrants for crimes in Libya

AP News, 10 Nov 2022

The prosecutor of the International Criminal Court announced Wednesday that he has submitted new applications for arrest warrants stemming from his investigations of alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity in Libya. 

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First Sentence for Sexual Violence in The Ukraine War

Justice Info, 10 Nov 2022

On November 2, the Novozavodsk District Court of Chernihiv, in northern Ukraine, handed down a sentence in absentia to two Russian servicemen who were accused of abusing residents of an occupied village in Chernihiv region in March 2022. Insights into a trial often held behind closed doors. 

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