Jerba, Tunisia, 22-23 March 2021
On 22-23 March 2021, No Peace Without Justice (NPWJ) and the Libyan Ministry of Justice, in collaboration with UNSMIL/Human Rights, Transitional Justice and Rule of Law Division, convened a two-day workshop to support Libyan authorities’ compliance to their obligations pursuant to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Participants included 25 Libyan government senior officials coming from diverse geographical areas and representing several ministries (including the Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of defense, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Social Affairs, the Ministry of Education and the Presidential office).
The workshop was organised in the framework of a project launched by NPWJ in November 2020 and implemented with the financial support of the European Union, which aims at promoting a human rights approach within Libya’s legislative bodies and national authorities and supporting their efforts to fulfill international obligations to Human Rights Treaties, including by submitting all overdue reports to the relevant bodies and mechanisms and by implementing their recommendations. It should be highlighted that the last report submitted by Libya to the Human rights Committee dates to 2007.
The training and discussion focused on the provisions of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights as well as with the list of issues prior to submission of the fifth periodic report of Libya, such as the Constitutional and legal framework, fight against impunity and past human rights violations, non-discrimination and gender equality.
The panel of human rights experts leading the workshop’ sessions was composed by Dr Hatem Kotrane, a former member of the Committee on the Rights of the Child; Frej Fenniche, former director at the office of High Commissioner for Human Rights and Regional representative of NPWJ and Bassam Aicha, international trainer on Human rights oversaw the implementation of the workshop sessions.
– For further information please contact Frej Fenniche, MENA Regional Representative of No Peace Without Justice (on
– Check also the Arabic FB page of NPWJ’s Libya Team