European Parliament to hold hearing on the human rights situation in the Arab Peninsula

19 Feb, 2019 | Press Releases

European Parliament, DROI Subcommittee, 19 February 2019

The Subcommittee on Human Rights in association with the Delegation for relations with the Arab Peninsula of the European Parliament is holding an exchange of views on the human rights situation in the Arab peninsula, which will take place on Tuesday 19 February at 11.00 – 12.30.

Panellists will include Hatice Cengiz, fiancée of the late Saudi journalist Jamal Ahmad Khashoggi, killed in October 2018 at the Saudi consulate in Turkey; Matthew Hedges, British doctoral student arrested in the United Arab Emirates during a research trip in May 2018; Wafaa Al-Yazidi, Qatari woman defending her right to unify her family; Jawaher Mohammed Al-Meer, Qatari student at Sorbonne University who was forcibly expelled from the UAE; Ali Alaswad, former Member of Bahrain’s Parliament sentenced in absentia to life imprisonment in November 2018.

Date and Location
Date: Tuesday 19 February at 11.00 – 12.30
Location: European parliament, Brussels, ASP 3G3

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