Human Rights Day: NPWJ calls for enhanced commitment to ensure their universal respect and protection

10 Dec, 2016 | Press Releases

Brussels-Rome, 10 December 2016
Today marks Human Rights Day, observed annually on 10 December, to highlight the fundamental rights that all people are entitled to as a global community. . It commemorates the day on which, in 1948, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In 1950, the Assembly passed resolution 423 (V), inviting all States and interested organizations to observe 10 December of each year as Human Rights Day.

“On this International Human Rights Day, No Peace without Justice (NPWJ) takes this opportunity to remember the too many gaps hindering – at various levels and sometimes in a brutal and cruel manner – the process towards the full respect and protection of universally recognized human rights and fundamental freedoms that all people are entitled to as a global community.

“In too many parts of the world, fundamental human rights are restricted or denied by authoritarian and brutal regimes. On a daily basis, courageous men and women work tirelessly to advance recognition of the legitimate aspirations and demands of their communities at large: freedom, equality, justice and human dignity, all core universal values. However, in doing this work, they often face a range of violations and abuses at the hands of State and non-State actors that dedicate considerable resources to silencing them through censorship, repressive legislation, arbitrary arrest and imprisonment, intimidation, violence and worse.

“NPWJ wants to extend a special salute and recognition to all these outstanding individuals around the world and recommits itself to standing by their side in the struggle to ensure that liberal and democratic institutions thrive in their countries as the home-grown aspirations they are. The international community should throw its full weight behind these human rights champions and do all in their power to protect them and help secure their ability to contribute fully to the political process in their countries without fear of reprisals. Supporting the empowerment of human rights defenders is one of the best ways to help prevent conflict, to break ravaging cycles of violence and to build democratic societies grounded firmly on a culture of tolerance and nonviolence.

“The experience of countries ravaged by violent conflict, such as Syria, also dramatically demonstrates that the dynamics of war leads to widespread abuses and human rights violations which disproportionally affect civilians, particularly women and children. For the past five years, Syria has witnessed crimes against humanity, war crimes and other gross human rights violations, which continue to be perpetrated with ever-increasing frequency and brutality. Since the beginning of the conflict in 2011, we have consistently advocated that the lack of focus on accountability, be it for crimes under international law or failure to adhere to international legal obligations as prescribed in general law and by UN Resolutions, creates a situation where impunity for violations of human rights  is the norm.

“After more than five years of failure by the international community to bring an end to the conflict in Syria, we renew our appeal to all States, and to all regional and international organisations, to demonstrate their commitment to human rights by breaking the cycle of impunity that is ravaging the country. Providing accountability for the crimes needs to become the centerpiece of any international effort on Syria to end the bloodshed and to bring justice and redress for the Syrian people. Those members of the international community that continue to block this priority should hang their heads in shame and take a moment to consider the suffering that their actions allow to continue with impunity.

“NPWJ, together with its Syrian partners, reaffirm its commitment to support the courageous Syrian women and men who despite being exposed to unspeakable horror and violence strive to play a significant role in the non-violent quest for a free, inclusive and democratic Syria. It is of critical importance that those who have suffered the most since March 2011 be heard and that their perspectives recognised as fundamental elements for the future of Syria: they are not an “add-on” or a luxury, they are the very reason why we fight impunity against human rights abuses at all”.