Lecture by Shaharzad Akbar on “Human Rights Journey of Afghanistan”

10 Mar, 2022 | Press Releases

10 March 2022, University of Milan, Italy

On Thursday 10 March at 12.30, Shaharzad Akbar, former Chair of Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission will give a lecture on “Human Rights Journey of Afghanistan. Reflections on Lessons learned & Future of Human Rights Efforts” at the University of Milan (Room 309 & via Zoom). Welcome remarks by Prof. Antonella Baldi, Deputy Rector for Internationalization, and introduction by Prof. Nerina Boschiero, full professor in International Law.

You can follow the lecture here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84770601164?pwd=NVhIVktxNWx6VmlZaFpyam93czdYZz09