Support No Peace Without Justice by becoming a member or by making a donation

9 Sep, 2022 | Press Releases

2022 Membership Campaign 

If you share the objectives and campaigns of No Peace Without Justice, if you care about the defense and promotion of human rights and democracy everywhere in the world, if you feel it is right to support and strengthen existing international criminal justice instruments, if you also think that there should be no impunity for environmental and human rights violations taking place in Amazonia, join us, support our initiatives make them yours. 

To become a member, you must pay the membership fee, which amounts to a minimum of 50 euros, and provide your personal data and contact details.

The payment of the membership fee can be made through a bank transfer to one of our following accounts:

Comitato Non c’è Pace Senza Giustizia

Banca di Credito Cooperativo di Roma, Italy

Iban IT 24 E 08327 03221 000000002472


No Peace Without Justice 

Triodos, Brussels, Belgium

IBAN BE43 5230 8119 1301


No Peace Without Justice I.C. (501.c.3 tax deductible in the US)

Chase Bank: 015500849765, ABA 021000021


By becoming a member, you will receive a periodic bulletin of activities and participate in the Assembly of associates, which elects the bodies and contributes to annually determine the policy of No Peace Without Justice. 

Donate to No Peace Without Justice 

You can also support No Peace Without Justice by making a donation. Your contributions will make a real difference and help us in our work for the protection and promotion of human rights, democracy, the rule of law and international justice around the world.   

Donations can be made through Paypal or by bank transfer, following the above mentioned instructions.

Our supporters receive the weekly ‘NPWJ Thematic News Digests’ and all other publications and information materials produced by our organisation. To receive further information, please contact us at:

Thanks for your generous support.