Today we celebrate the 15th anniversary of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples!

13 Sep, 2022 | Press Releases

Today we celebrate the 15th anniversary of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous

Peoples as an opportunity to honor their crucial role as carers of natural resources, keepers of scientific knowledge and human rights defenders as well as to highlight the serious threats they face due to climate change, deforestation, pollution, development and loss of diversity.

On the 13th of September 2007, the UNDRIP was adopted. Despite being a non-binding document, it represents a pivotal international tool for the safeguard of the rights of all indigenous peoples around the world. It establishes universal minimum standards for the protection, promotion implementation of indigenous peoples’ rights and freedoms all over the world. 

NPWJ calls for the inclusion of indigenous peoples in the creation of real and sustainable solutions to climate change and to combat the structural discrimination, violence and abuses they have faced for too long. This means ensuring their participation and involvement in decision-making processes where their perspectives and voices are listened to and amplified, where their needs are prioritised and their preferences respected

No Peace Without Justice is glad to celebrate this remarkable anniversary! Through our work, we continue to advocate for the respect of indigenous rights and for the fostering of such a crucial international instrument.