Tunisia: NPWJ and KADEM promote transitional and international justice in the Arab region with the ICC Prosecutor

20 Jun, 2013 | Press Releases

Tunis, 20 June 2013

On 20 June 2013, Al-Kawakibi Democracy Transition Center (KADEM) and No Peace Without Justice (NPWJ) under the framework of the Transitional Justice Academy concluded successfully in Tunis a Conference on the topic: “Transitional and International Justice in the Arab region”, with the participation of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Fatou Bensouda.

The Official Opening Session, saw the participation of Mustapha Ben Jafar, President of the Tunisian National Constituency Assembly, Ali Mhanna, Minister of Justice of the Palestinian National Authority, Mounir Tabet, Resident Representative from UNDP, Mohsen Marzouk, President and Founder of KADEM and Niccolo’ Figà-Talamanca, NPWJ Secretary General, with Fatou Bensouda as keynote speaker. Participants included the Ambassadors from Morocco, Lebanon, Palestine, Japan, as well as other representatives from the EU Delegation in Tunis, the embassies of The Netherlands, Egypt, Libya and Spain.

The Conference provided a forum for governmental and civil society representatives from Bahrain, Egypt, Libya, Palestine and Tunisia to discuss international and transitional justice as well as ratification and implementation of the Rome Statute. Participants also identified concrete initiatives at the national level to promote the advancement of transitional justice mechanisms and ratification and implementation of the Rome Statute.

In parallel to the Conference, NPWJ and KADEM also organised a meeting of the Prosecutor with high-level judges and prosecutors in cooperation with the Tunisian Ministry of Justice and the President of the Tunisian Bar Association. This provided a unique opportunity to discuss the challenges of national investigations and prosecutions of ICC crimes and the opportunities provided by the implementation of the Rome Statute, enhancing the principle of complementarity.



– For further information, please contact Greta Barbone on gbarbone@npwj.org or +216 28385079 or Nicola Giovannini on ngiovannini@npwj.org or +32 (0)2 548-39 15.

– Read more on NPWJ and KADEM’s work to “Support the Democratic Transition in Tunisia through Transitional Justice