UN Human Rights Council / CoI on Syria: Statement delivered by Hussein Sabbagh on behalf of Non c’è Pace Senza Giustizia

22 Sep, 2023 | Press Releases

UNHRC, 54th Session, Geneva, 22 September 2023

Human Rights Council – 54 th Regular Session
Item 4: Interactive Dialogue with the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic
22 September 2023

Delivered by Hussein Sabbagh on behalf of Non c’è pace senza Giustizia

“My name is Hussein Sabbagh and I speak on behalf of No Peace Without Justice.

We thank the CoI for its report. The CoI has always been a strong voice in support of the accountability and redress for victims.

All efforts to bring justice and accountability to Syria have failed so far and the attempt to normalise relations with Damascus and the so called step-by-step approach did not produce any meaningful results. The Syrian people is still suffering and still demonstrating against a government imposed upon them by violence and foreign support. Human rights violations continue to be committed. Human rights advocates and those who criticise the authorities continue to disappear without a trace. Syria has been used for years as a training ground by the very same troops that are today invading Ukraine.

We call upon Member States to further strengthen and adapt their legal and judicial systems to utilise universal jurisdiction for the crimes committed in Syria. We also encourage the international community to begin discussions aimed at the establishment of a Special Court for crimes committed in Syria. The issue of enforced disappearances and detainees remains unsolved. We welcome UNGA Resolution 77/301 and we call upon Members States to ensure proper fundings and support for its activation.

The consequences of denying accountability and failing to deliver justice for victims is not peace; but it leads to continued human rights violations and war.

Thank you Mr. President”.