No Peace Without Justice monthly e-Newsletter – December issue

25 Dec, 2016 | Press Releases

December 2016

Read the e-neswletter in English, Italian

In the December issue of the NPWJ e-newsletter, the main highlights are dedicated to the adoption by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) of a resolution aimed at establishing a mechanism to assist in the investigation and prosecution of crimes under international law and human rights violations in Syria since March 2011; as well as to the escalation over the last 6 months in the crackdown carried out by Bahraini authorities against the political opposition and civil society activists (including the dissolution of the major opposition party Al Wefaq, the 9-year prison sentence upheld against its leader Sheikh Ali Salman, and the detention and ongoing trial of Nabeel Rajab).

Special attention is also dedicated to the initiatives promoted by NPWJ in the framework of its Gender & Human Rights Program: a national workshop held in Dakar, Senegal, to foster effective implementation of UNGA resolution banning Female Genital Mutilation and the High-Level Conference on the worldwide ban on female genital mutilation which will take place in Rome, Italy from 30 January to 1 February 2017.