NPWJ receives consultative status from the UN Economic and Social Committee (ECOSOC), despite opposition from Russia and China

21 Jul, 2022 | Press Releases

On Thursday 21 July 2022, the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) adopted a decision, presented by the United States, asking for the recognition of special consultative status for six international non-governmental organizations, including No Peace Without Justice. The proposed decision, supported by over 30 Member States, was adopted, after a heated debate, with 23 votes in favor, 7 against and 18 abstentions. 

NPWJ’s application to receive consultative status – which implies direct access to all public meetings of the United Nations and its agencies, with the possibility of intervening in the sessions dedicated to the participation of civil society and of interacting much more easily regarding the UN decision-making process – had been blocked for many years due to constant opposition from countries such as Russia, China, Cuba and others, that did not want an “uncomfortable” voice – strongly committed to the defense of human rights, democracy and the rule of law – like ours  being active and heard at the United Nations. 

We are grateful to the Permanent Mission of Italy to the UN whose constant support and determination, in coordination with the EU Delegation in New York and the United States, made it possible to break the de facto veto exercised at the subsidiary level of the Committee on NGOs and force a vote to the ECOSOC which allowed us, together with five other non-governmental organizations, to receive special consultative status. 

This is an important recognition for No Peace Without Justice, which for almost thirty years has been strongly and fiercely involved, including in the United Nations, in the activities of the International Criminal Court, the Council for Human Rights and in the implementation of major projects funded by UN agencies such as UNICEF, UNFPA and UN WOMEN in critical areas and countries. Thanks to this status, we will further strengthen our commitment to the defense of human rights, the promotion of the rule of law and the fight against impunity.

For further information, please contact Gianluca Eramo (MENA Democracy program Director) on or Nicola Giovannini (Press & Public Affairs Coordinator) on