19 July 2022- FGM & Women’s Rights

19 Jul, 2022 | News Digests

New sexual harassment bill edges closer to law in Malaysia

Aljazeera, 19 Jul 2022

Reports of sexual harassment are not uncommon in Malaysia, but despite the existence of various legal mechanisms, many women say effective redress is still lacking. They hope the long-awaited Anti-Sexual Harassment Bill, which had its first parliamentary reading in December last year, will soon become law. A second reading will take place this month.

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Supporting survivors of gender-based violence: WHO leads training sessions to combat some of Cox’s Bazar’s most under-reported health challenges.

Reliefweb , 18 Jul 2022

One in three women has experienced intimate partner violence (IPV) or sexual violence in their lifetime. For WHO in Cox’s Bazar, responding to gender-based violence (GBV) is integral to the sector’s comprehensive service during the displacement crisis.

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Mexican Activists Answer Calls for Abortion Pills From the U.S.

The New York Times , 15 Jul 2022

In the weeks since the U.S. Supreme Court eliminated the constitutional right to abortion, the phones and social media accounts of abortion rights activists in Mexico have been inundated with desperate requests for abortion pills from people in the U.S.

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Photos: Child marriages, FGM rising in drought-hit Horn of Africa

Aljazeera, 14 Jul 2022

In the regions of Ethiopia worst affected by the drought – Somali; Oromia; and Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples’ Region (SNNP) – child marriage has on average more than doubled in the space of one year, according to local government figures. Within the same time frame, cases of female genital mutilation or FGM in SNNP increased by 27 per cent.

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National Right to Life official: 10-year-old should have had baby

Politico , 14 Jul 2022

The story of the 10-year old rape victim forced to leave her home state to terminate a pregnancy has sparked a national conversation over the consequences of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade and how far some states are willing to go to prohibit abortions.

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More women work in health and care but they earn 24 per cent less than men: UN report

UN news , 14 Jul 2022

The gender pay gap in the health and care sector: a global analysis in the time of COVID-19 was published by the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the World Health Organization (WHO).  It documents a raw gender pay gap of roughly 20 percentage points which jumps to 24 percentage points when factors such as age, education and working time are taken into account.

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