19 September 2022 – Environmental Justice & Human Rights

19 Sep, 2022 | News Digests

Side event on “Situation of Human Rights of Indigenous People in Amazonia”

No Peace Without Justice, 30 Sep 2022

On the occasion of the 51st Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva, No Peace Without Justice, Hutukara and the Alliance for the Defense of Territories are convened a side event on “Situation of Human Rights of Indigenous People in Amazonia“, which was held on Tuesday 27 September 2022 (from 11:00 – 12:00, Room XXV, Palais des Nations, United Nations Office in Geneva). The event was organised in the framework of the project “Amazonia Beyond The Crisis”, funded by the Nando and Elsa Peretti Foundation.

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Public Hearing on Protecting Indigenous Peoples’ Rights in Brazil

No Peace Without Justice, 30 Sep 2022

On 26 September the Subcommittee on Human Rights will hold a hearing on Protecting Indigenous Peoples’ Rights in Brazil. The hearing will follow up Parliament’s call for indigenous peoples’ rights to be fully protected, including their land, territories and resources.

Speakers include Patxon Metuktire, Kayapó leader and representative of the Raoni Institute; Maurício Ye’kwana, Yanomami and Ye’kwana leader and director of Hutukara Association; Francisco Cali Tzay, Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

The focus will be on the challenges the EU should tackle as a priority, including criminalisation and systematic attacks against indigenous leaders, grabbing and environmental destruction, as well as participation by indigenous peoples in decisions that affect them.

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Amazon News and Information, 29 Sep 2022

A delegation representing the Yanomami, Kayapó, Munduruku and Yekwana peoples was received at the European Parliament in Brussels and at the UN headquarters in Geneva, where the Brazilian government’s default on a decision of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights last July, which gave the Brazilian government until September 20 to take precautionary measures to protect indigenous communities threatened by illegal mining in the Amazon, was denounced.

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More than 1,700 environmental activists murdered in the past decade – report

The Guardian, 29 Sep 2022

More than 1,700 murders of environmental activists were recorded over the past decade, an average of a killing nearly every two days, according to a new report.

Killed by hitmen, organised crime groups and their own governments, at least 1,733 land and environmental defenders were murdered between 2012 and 2021, figures from Global Witness show, with Brazil, Colombia, the Philippines, Mexico and Honduras the deadliest countries.

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Join forces to prevent ‘food availability crisis’ urges FAO chief

UN News, 28 Sep 2022

As the war in Ukraine stokes a crisis for countries who are struggling just to access the food their populations want and need, the international community needs to ensure that doesn’t spill over into a “food availability crisis”, the head of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) said on Wednesday.

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Indigenous lands have been “stolen” in these four years, warns UN rapporteur

UOL News, 28 Sep 2022

The last four years have been marked by the “theft” of indigenous lands in Brazil and the destruction of Funai. The warning is from the UN rapporteur for indigenous peoples, Francisco Cali Tzay.

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World’s central banks financing destruction of the rainforest

The Guardian, 28 Sep 2022

Some of the world’s biggest central banks are unwittingly helping to finance agri-business giants engaged in the destruction of the Brazilian Amazon, according to a report published on Wednesday.

The Bank of England, the US Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank are among the institutions that have bought millions of dollars in bonds issued by companies linked to deforestation and land-grabbing, according to the report Bankrolling Destruction, published by the rights group Global Witness.

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Indígenas denunciam governo brasileiro no Parlamento Europeu e na ONU

Correiro Braziliense, 27 Sep 2022

Povos indígenas foram recebidos nesta terça-feira (27/9) no Parlamento Europeu, em Bruxelas, e na sede das Organizações das Nações Unidas (ONU), em Genebra, na Suíça, para denunciar o governo federal pelo descumprimento do prazo finalizado em 20 de setembro para implantar medidas cautelares de proteção aos povos ameaçadas pelo garimpo na Amazônia. 

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Indigenous people denounce Brazilian government in the European Parliament and the UN

Correiro Braziliense, 27 Sep 2022

Indigenous peoples were received on Tuesday (27) at the European Parliament in Brussels, and at the headquarters of the United Nations Organizations (UN) in Geneva, Switzerland, to denounce the federal government for non-compliance with the deadline finalized on September 20 to implement precautionary measures to protect peoplethreatened by mining in the Amazon. The date had been determined by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. The Yanomami, Kayapó, Munduruku and Yekwana peoples report that since July last year, the period of the decision, no governmental authority has sought representatives of indigenous peoples to propose relevant measures on the subject. Thus, it was considered that there was a disregard in relation to the protection of this portion of the population.

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Neofascist and irresponsible, so European Parliament sees Bolsonaro

BNC News, 26 Sep 2022

With a few days to go until the election in Brazil, the Summit of the European Parliament held, on Monday (26), a series of meetings with indigenous leaders of the country to show solidarity to traditional peoples and declare repudiation of the government of Jair Bolsonaro. The Brazilian came to be called in the European Parliament “irresponsible” and “neofascist”, in addition to being denounced for his dismantling of Funai and human rights protection measures.

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Governos estrangeiros recomendam distanciamento de Bolsonaro

UOL News, 26 Sep 2022

Os sequestros por parte da campanha de Jair Bolsonaro das viagens ao funeral da rainha Elizabeth 2ª, em Londres, e à abertura da Assembleia Geral da ONU levaram governos estrangeiros a consolidar uma orientação de evitar qualquer contato mais explícito, assinatura de acordos ou entendimentos com o Palácio do Planalto, até pelo menos que a eleição seja definida no Brasil.

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Australia: Groundbreaking decision creates pathway for climate justice on Torres Strait Islands

UN News, 23 Sep 2022

The Committee issued its ground-breaking decision after examining a joint complaint filed by eight Australian nationals and six of their children – all indigenous inhabitants of Boigu, Poruma, Warraber and Masig, four small, low-lying islands in the country’s Torres Strait region.

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“It’s As If They’re Poisoning Us” The Health Impacts of Plastic Recycling in Turkey

Human Rights Watch, 21 Sep 2022

“Ali,” a man in his mid-20’s, started working in plastic recycling in Adana, a city in the south of Turkey, when he was 13 years old. He worked 13 hours per day in a recycling facility sorting, shredding, and melting plastic into small pellets. Five years ago, Ali quit his job because he had trouble breathing that he thought was linked to air pollution in the recycling facility. “There’s a strong smell of gas,” he explained.

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