Istanbul Workshop on the role of private sector and corporate social responsibility in the bMENA region

8 Ott, 2010 | Dicono di noi

No Peace Without Justice will contribute to the Workshop on the Private Sector’s Role in the Area of Social Responsibility in the broader Middle East and North Africa (BMENA) region, convened in Istanbul, Turkey, on 9-10 October 2010, in the framework of the Forum for the Future 2010. The Istanbul Workshop is organized by the Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation (TESEV), in coordination with the co-chairs of this year’s Forum – the governments of Canada and Qatar – and the Canadian civil society counterpart organization, the International Development Research Center (IDRC).

The conference will bring together directly-involved actors, opinion leaders and decision-makers to share best practices in the field of corporate social responsibility in the region. As such, the meeting aims at promoting productive dialogue on a peer-to-peer basis between civil society and governments of the bMENA Region, G8 and other democratic partners, on issues relating to participation, democracy and social issues. The workshop will particularly focus on addressing the needs for developing widespread sustainable and active cooperation between civil society and the private sector in the countries of the region, in particular in order to ensure women’s full economic participation as well as active engagement with the younger generation.

The meeting is the second of a series of workshops organised in preparation for the 2010 Forum for the Future, under the Canadian and Qatari co-chairmanship, in coordination with the Democracy Assistance Dialogue (DAD) partnership. The results of the Workshop will be presented to the Ministerial Meeting of the Forum for the Future 2010 to be held in Doha, Qatar, to provide a set of constructive proposals and recommendations that could fruitfully feed the discussion between governments and civil society.

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